Farmers need to know a lot of things to be successful. For some farmers, much of the required knowledge is passed on from one generation to the next. For other farmers, they learn on the job. But for both types of farmers and everyone in between, there are constantly new laws, regulations, techniques, and technologies that must be understood and applied. MCFB works with partners to identify opportunities to assist local farmers and community members in staying up to date on relevant legal, regulatory, and technical issues. To do so, we support students though scholarships, send farmers to conferences, sponsor learning events, and host workshops.
MCFB contributes to various scholarships related to agricultural education throughout each year.
MCFB provides sponsorships to enable MCFB members to attend agriculture-related conferences.
MCFB sponsors initiatives to increase local community members’ exposure to agricultural issues and educational opportunities.
MCFB helps local farmers achieve necessary certifications and licenses and remain compliant with laws and regulations.
MCFB provides financial support to organizations that teach and train future and current farmers.
MCFB helps farmers stay current on advances in farming techniques and regulatory requirements.