Online Training


Online Training and Downloadable Educational Materials

Farmers and farmworkers are busy people and can rarely afford to take time off for training. Training is, however, essential to remain current on advances in farming techniques and regulatory requirements. Below are several online training opportunities and downloadable educational materials.

American Farm Bureau offers a free 10-module course for youth on Farm & Ag Safety. The program materials are tailored for audiences 14- to 17-years old and focus on general safety, leadership, and critical thinking skills applied to technical and agriculture-specific contexts. See:

OSU Extension provides hundreds of informational pamphlets on 27 farm-related topics, ranging from animal waste management to fertilizer guides to nurseries to weed and pest management. All are available for free download. See:

OSU College of Agricultural Sciences – Pesticide Safety Education Program offers online, on-demand, year-round recertification courses. Participants can register at any time and complete on their own schedule. See:

OSU College of Agricultural Sciences – Small Farms Program offers three online courses on: 1) whole farm management, 2) pasture/grazing management, and 3) insect management. Cost ranges from free to $100. See:

Safety Alliance provides accredited grower training required by the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule. See: