MCFB's approach to fulfilling its mission and vision is accomplished through five key strategies:
Asking Farmers for their input on issues facing their communities, neighbors, and other individuals.
Assisting Farmers with issues they are facing, either on-farm or off of the farm.
Connecting Farmers with each other through events and communications so they benefit from being part of a network of local farmers.
Representing Farmers with local, state, and national officials and representatives so their voices are heard and issues addressed in laws, regulations, policies, practices, and plans.
Sharing Knowledge with Farmers so they have access to training and certifications they need to keep farming alive and healthy.
Through the Ask a Farmer program, MCFB connects people with questions about farming with real farmers.
MCFB undertakes projects, activities, and outreach to assist local farmers and communities.
MCFB serves as an active voice for local farmers at the local, state, and national levels.
MCFB supports students though scholarships, send farmers to conferences, sponsor learning events, and host workshops.