

MCFB has over 7,500 active members. There are four levels of membership:

  1. Voting members

  2. Supporting members

  3. Associate members

  4. Student members

Voting Members (116 voting members as of winter 2024)

Farmers and ranchers with $2,500 or more per year in gross farming or ranching income qualify as voting members. Voting membership costs $125 per year.

Voting members may (but are not required to):

  • Attend all county board meetings, annual meetings, events, and outings

  • Vote annually at the annual county meeting for Board Directors and officers

  • Attend the annual state and national conventions

  • Run for county and state boards and officer positions

  • Represent the county as a voting delegate at the annual state convention

  • Receive all OFB benefits

Supporting Members (39 supporting members as of winter 2024)

Farmers and ranchers with less than $2,500 per year in gross farming or ranching income and non-farmers qualify as supporting members. Supporting membership costs $125 per year.

Supporting members may (but are not required to):

  • Attend all county board meetings, annual meetings, events, and outings

  • Attend the annual state and national conventions

  • Receive all OFB benefits

Voting and supporting membership can be attained by completing a hard copy membership packet, by completing the OFB's online application or by signing up for OFB through Country Financial. For more information, Contact Us.

Associate Members (7,497 associate members as of winter 2024)

Through a special arrangement with Country Financial, all non-farmer/non-rancher Country Financial customers are automatically enrolled as OFB associate members. Associate members living in Multnomah County become MCFB associate members. Associate members support the MCFB and OFB financially with annual dues and may attend meetings, events, and outings with approval from the MCFB Board President or Executive Director. Associate membership costs $25 per year.

Student Members

As a means to engage a new generation of farmers, the MCFB Board approved a Student Member category for MCFB in March 2021. Current students at any level, from grade school through university studies, are welcome to join us. Student members help local farmers be successful by joining MCFB and may attend meetings, events, and outings with approval from the MCFB Board President or Executive Director. Student membership costs $20 per year.